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Why I Love Asian Period/Historical Dramas

Photo: Sheng Family (Story of Minglan) If you know me well, you must know that I love watching Asian dramas, particularly the historical/period genre. Most of people would find period dramas boring, as each line of the characters is being delivered slowly and full of poetry-like words. They are very subtle in meaning and the plot is always vicious. Period dramas start with tragedy, and usually it is the lowest point of the beginning of the entire plot to develop. So, if you can't stand the first few episodes, most likely you will not be able to handle the rest. Lol. But trust me, it gets better later on! Well, maybe. Depends on which  dramas. The sole reason why I love period dramas, is because I love the past customs. No, not the slavery, child marriage or the society status back then, I love the culture. Put the fact that I love history aside, I like the way that society in the past put propriety in the same level, anywhere in the world. Men and women are not to be engage

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