Going To College!

Which one?!

Well, lately I've been wondering about my chances to go to college. At first, my goal was go to ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung or Bandung Institute of Technology) like anybody else. I want to study Architecture as my major and the only option is ITB. Why? Because the only state university in Bandung that have architecture major is ITB. The problem is... how to get there?

It's quite simple, actually. First, I have to take angkot dago-kalapa in front of my school, then I stop at Borromeus Hospital, and take a walk a bit to get to ITB.


Okay, okay, just kidding. ITB is one of the most prestigious university in Indonesia. So, they have a difficult qualifications. In Indonesia, for undergraduate program, freshmen of high school must take the SBMPTN test (it's a national test) to get accepted in any state university in Indonesia. Unless, of course, if they want to go to a private university, the university will provides entrance test by their own.

But most of the students prefer to go to the state university, because the quality is better and the tuition fees are cheaper too. There are a lot of government scholarships for those who cannot afford the fees too. So, the students who get accepted to the state university, of course, mostly are the most talented students in Indonesia.

The competition is really tight. And of course, SBMPTN is not an only way to get accepted to those universities. There are actually three ways for get accepted;

1. SNMPTN (The differences with SBMPTN is only the word 'N', haha). Okay. So this is a very special way to get accepted. So, every high schools in Indonesia have been given quota for this university entrance. If the academic record of the students considered good by their schools, they will submitted the academic records to the universities. Then, the university will begin to select those students. If the students are qualified enough for them, they will accept those students without any test.

The number of students who get accepted are basically depends on the high school's quota. So, mostly the better high school, the bigger numbers too. And the universities are considering the alumni progress from those schools. If the progress are good, they can increase the quota number for the certain high schools.

Cool, huh? And my school, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, have the biggest SNMPTN quota to ITB among any other high schools. So, yeah.

2. SBMPTN. So, those who didn't lucky enough to get SNMPTN, they can have this national test to get accepted. This test difficulties are fair-enough. There are three types of test;

-IPA/SAINTEK (Science and Technology). This is the test for science major students only to go to science major in the universities. The major choices are mostly engineering, health, mathematics, chemistry, physics.

-IPS (Social). This is the test for social major students only to go to social major in the universities. The major choices are mostly law, economics, language/literature, journalism, art and culture, etc.

-IPC (Social-Science). This is the test for science or social major students who want to study science or social major in the university. For example, if you are in science major, but you want to study in school of law in the university, you should take this test. Or, if you are in social major, but you want to study architecture engineering.

3. UM (Individual Test). After SBMPTN, some universities will open up an individual test for those who didn't lucky enough to pass the SBMPTN. This test is pretty expensive.

If you didn't pass these three, you have to immediately turn your options to the private university. Since the state university is difficult for you to follow.

So, for myself, to face these kind of tests later on 2016, is a struggle too. I don't know if I'm qualified enough to get accepted in SNMPTN. Or if I'm quite smart to have a high score in SBMPTN. I practice everyday, just like any other students too.

But then, I realize it's not my only option.

I have a quite high goal every year. So, I thought, since to get accepted in the state university in Indonesia is just normal (I'm qualified enough to study in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, lol). How about if I try something different and crazy?

Like, I don't know, try to study overseas?

You don't really know your ability, because it is unlimited. Your ability can improve anytime.

So, here I am, submitted my application to Thailand. I have tried for Japan but unfortunately because of the different of the curriculum, I cannot go for the entrance of 2016. I have several back-up too. There are a lot of opportunity out there, you know? Scholarships and all. If I don't get accepted in Thailand, I can try for other possibilities.

So do you.

Because of my previous visit to Thailand have really encourage me to study there. Now, I even have fantasized myself with 'B. Arch' degree in the end of my name. Ms. Fairuzia D. Natakusuma, B. Arch. Is kind of cool, isn't it? B. Arch for Bachelor of Architecture.

Ms. Fairuzia D. Natakusuma, B. Eng. too. B. Eng for Bachelor of Engineering. Ahahahahahaha. /blushed/

One tip for you guys;

You have to, at least, really good at one thing. You have to find your interests and what you really good at. It will become handy in the next few years, mostly when you go to college later.

The most important thing is what do you want to learn. Don't follow your friends or your parent. You can asked for advice, but that's that. The only one who can decide is yourself. How do you want to build your future. What do you want to be.

Wish me luck!!! :)


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